
Corning/Elmira, New York

Charlene, Jan, Anne and Jo got together to form Dreamcatchers back in 2022 (or was it 2021? who knows – we’re pretty relaxed about everything,)
We laughed a lot and learned a lot as we explored the nuances of many different songs.

When Anne was unable to continue with the chorus and the quartet, Becky stepped in to sing tenor.  Becky has sung in 17 barbershop quartets across the USA, and is a Harmony Queen (international champion.)  Charlene has 27 years experience singing barbershop, and has performed with choruses, choirs and quartets.

Jan plays several musical instruments, has sung in church choirs all her life and has been singing barbershop for six years.  Jo’s sum total of adult musical experience consisted of singing in the car until she joined Crystal Chords a few years back, but the others let her tag along anyway.

In harmonizing together, our friendship has blossomed and grown. 
Singing in the community is our favorite thing.  We are available for daytime performances.

Chapter: Crystal Chords
General public contact: Jo Barlow
Area of operation: Corning/Elmira
State: New York